12" ONEVET Veterinary Endoscopic Monitor
Upgraded your field of view, making the surgery easier.
[ Feature ]
- 12.1 inch Screen size
- Resolution: 160k pixels
- Photo/ Recording function
- Output images to the computer easily
- Image control
- Touchscreen
[ Image control ]
Adjustable screen brightness
Zoom in/out
Mirror image
Picture freeze
White Balance & RGB color adjustment
[ Output ]
Data Transfer: Type-c
Digital signal output: HDMI
Power port
[ Field ]
- Laryngoscope
- Rhinolaryngoscope
- Cystoscope
- Laparoscope
- Ureteroscope
- Bronchoscope
- Gastroscope
- Endoscope
Provide a spare machine during maintenance.
Made in Taiwan, compliant with international safety standards.
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#Laryngoscopy #Laryngoscope #rhinolaryngoscopy #rhinolaryngoscope #cystoscopy #cystoscope #Laparoscopy #Laparoscope #ureteroscopy #ureteroscope #bronchoscopy #bronchoscope #gastroscopy #Gastroscope
#動物專用 #台灣製造 #品質保證 #高品質保證 #動物醫療 #寵物醫療 #犬貓 #動物醫院 #動物急診 #內視鏡檢查 #內視鏡 #急診 #探查 #內視鏡 #動物內視鏡 #寵物內視鏡 #內視鏡手術 #獸醫 #醫療器材 #喉鏡 #鼻喉鏡 #膀胱鏡 #輸尿管鏡 #支氣管鏡 #胃鏡 #腹腔鏡 #毛小孩 #浪浪 #毛寶貝 #貓奴 #狗朋友