Business Strategy Asian Leader Global Niche
• Thriving to become one of the world leaders in
botanical drugs by tapping into the wealth of Chinese
herbal medicines.
• Integrating the development process of botanical new
drugs, from valid new drug candidate identification,
ingredient sourcing, regulatory agency approval,
manufacturing, to marketing and sales, with a
geographical emphasis in Asia.
• Cooperating with international partners in
developing and marketing of our new drugs in the
global market.
Corporate Profile
PhytoHealth Corporation, a member company of
Maywufa Biopharma Group, was incorporated in 1998 as
a new drug development company with focus on novel
botanical drugs.
The company has achieved remarkable milestones since
its inception and has received various major national
awards and government grants in recognition of its
achievements in both technical innovations and
pharmaceutical product developments.
PhytoHealth successfully held its initial public offering
(IPO) in 2002, being the first new drug development
company to be listed on Taiwan stock market.